
Consumer Packaged Goods leader in $60M to $6B sized companies in Sales, Marketing, HR and General Management.

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Volunteering, board leadership, and charity are a big part of who I am.

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Key moments in my life that give you an idea of how I think, what I value, and how I operate.

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Robin R Robinson

Sales, Marketing, and General Management Executive with significant experience in both large and small consumer packaged goods companies across multiple channels in both mainstream and natural/organic food categories.

Inspiring leader best known for ability to create, motivate, and empower cross-functional teams to develop and launch over 100 new products in the last 10 years.

Transformational change agent who created and led plan to transform a 100-year old company from a maintenance strategy to one of nimble, quick innovation.

Humble Servant dedicated to serving in multiple volunteer organizations and causes.


"Get busy living or get busy dying." (There's nothing in between!)

Shawshank Redemption



Robin grad cropped
CU logo

University of Colorado, Boulder
B.S. Degree - Business

Maharishi International University, Fairfield, IA
M.A. Degree - Philosophy

Maharishi International University, Fairfield, IA
M.A. Degree - Professional Writing


"Do or do not. There is no 'try'."

Yoda in 'The Empire Strikes Back'


Here's a printable, traditional resume.


Got a business that needs a boost? Need some help starting a business? Let's chat at 512.954.8074 or email me.